
News 1 to 20 out of 158


Publish date: 2024/10/17 | Expire date: 2024/11/15

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At the Information Society Conference, IS 2024 (, the awards were presented on October 11, 2024. The “Donald Michie - Alan Turing” Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Information Society for 2024 was awarded to Prof. Dr. Borut Žalik. The recipients of the Legends of Computing and Informatics 2024 Award were also Prof. Dr. Marjan Mernik and Dr. Milan Ojsteršek.

Xkurzija: Measuring Muscles and Brains in Different Environments

Publish date: 2024/09/03 | Expire date: 2024/10/15

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On August 26th, 2024, Mrs. Neža Borkovič from Val 202, Radio Slovenia, visited the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, where she conducted an interview for podcast with team at the System Software Laboratory. The interview explored our ongoing research and innovations in the field of hybrid neural interfaces.

During the interview, we discussed the complexity around activity of 639 skeletal muscles, even providing a unique opportunity to listen to the sounds of muscle contractions. Head of Laboratory, Aleš Holobar, alongside colleagues Matej Kramberger and Tanja Botić, shared insights on a range of topics from common muscle cramps to the advanced control of bionic arms.

Engaging conversation is now featured in an episode of Ferkvenca X, offering listeners better understanding on the research work being done at our laboratory. We are proud to be recognized as an expert in hybrid neural interface research, supported by European funding through the HybridNeuro project.

Hear the full interview and learn more about the research happening at the System Software Laboratory. Recording of an interview available in the Slovene language:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 101079392 and from the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee scheme under grant agreement no. 10052152. The opinions and views expressed during the event are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Agency (REA). The European Union and the funding body are not responsible for the content of the event.


Publish date: 2024/05/31 | Expire date: 2024/06/12

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On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 2 p.m., in the G2-Beta lecture hall, we are organizing a lecture for doctoral students entitled "A health data Analytics maturity model for hospitals information systems" by Prof. Dr. Álvaro Rocha from the University of Lisbon. A summary of the lecture and a short biography of the lecturer can be found in the attached document.

Welcome to joint the lecture!

For the third time in the last nine years, the Institute of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, has received the Prometheus Science Award for Excellence in Communication

Publish date: 2024/05/31 | Expire date: 2024/08/31

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For many years, the Institute of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, has actively promoted Computer Science and Information Technologies to pupils, students and the general public. In the years 2021-2023 alone, we conducted more than 70 educational events, including professional excursions for students, public presentations of student projects, numerous workshops for secondary and primary schools, FERI Academy summer schools on Computer Science, public discussions, presentations at festivals and fairs, media interviews and shows, professional workshops and many other events. The Slovenian Scientific Foundation recognised these activities and, for the third time in the last nine years, awarded the Prometheus Science Award to the Institute of Computer Science.


Publish date: 2024/05/06 | Expire date: 2024/05/31

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For the discipline of computer science, three researchers from the Institute of Computer Science also made it to the ranking. Position in the ranking is based on a researcher’s D-index (Discipline H-index), which includes publications and citation values exclusively for an examined discipline. The D-index threshold for including a scholar to be considered was set to 30. The list of the best researchers according to the D-index worldwide in the field of computer science can be found at, in Slovenia and at the University of Maribor


Publish date: 2024/04/02 | Expire date: 2024/04/30

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Prof. Dr. Marjan Mernik gave invited lectures on March 20 and 21, 2024, at the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (, Kurukshetra, India. The lectures entitled "From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference" and "Exploration and Exploitation in Evolutionary Algorithms: Recent Developments" were given to undergraduate students at NIT Kurukshetra.


Publish date: 2024/03/26 | Expire date: 2024/04/30

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Prof. Dr. Marjan Mernik received the Entrepreneurs, Academicians & Researchers Guild Award for Lifetime Achievement in Academia and
Research from the MTTF (MathTech Thinking Foundation). Candidates had to meet the following criteria: more than 20 years of activity with significant contributions in the field of publications, mentoring of doctoral students, invited lectures, and to be among the 2% of scientists on the Stanford University list. The award was held on 19/03/2024 at Poornima University, Jaipur, India.

ROSUS 2024

Publish date: 2024/01/12 | Expire date: 2024/03/22

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We invite you to attend the 18th professional conference entitled ‘Computer image processing and its application in Slovenia 2024 (ROSUS 2024).’ This one-day conference will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor. The afternoon section is practically oriented.

Detailed information and application form are available at

For students, an entrance to the conference is free of charge (registration is mandatory at e-mail

Organizing Committee of the ROSUS 2024 Conference

40th anniversary of the enrollment of the first generation of computer science students at the University of Maribor

Publish date: 2024/01/09 | Expire date: 2024/02/29

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40 years ago the first generation of computer science students enrolled at the then Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Maribor. The Computer Science study program at that time had three majors in the 2nd year: Software, Informatics, Logic and Systems. All first-generation students chose the Software major, which was the forerunner of today's Computer Science and Information Technologies study program.
At the 40th anniversary of the enrollment of the first generation of computer science students at the University of Maribor and, at the same time, the 35th anniversary of the first graduates in computer science at the University of Maribor, the former students visited the faculty again. They were received by the head of the Institute of Computer Science, prof. dr. Aleš Holobar, and visited the Laboratory for Geospatial Modelling, Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (GeMMA).

Achievements of students at the IEEEXtreme 17.0 student programming competition in Maribor

Publish date: 2023/12/05 | Expire date: 2023/12/31

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The Slovenian part of the 24-hour virtual global programming competition IEEEXtreme ( took place again this year at UM FERI on the last weekend of October, this time for the third time. At the same time, Slovenian teams competed with teams from all over the world in a single world competition, while the overall ranking was also updated live.

Among the registered teams in Slovenia, the CodeMonkeys team (Enej Krabonja, Oskar Forštnarič, Sven Wolf Zajšek - all three students of ŠP R-IT) took first place. This team is also the youngest team registered for these competitions in Slovenia. Among the teams in IEEE Region 8, the team achieved 717th place and was ranked 2361st out of 4221 ranked teams in the world ranking of this competition. This year, 1,229 more teams than last year entered this world ranking, making this year's competition the biggest ever ( -2023-ip).

This year's team competed under the mentorship of Assoc. prof. dr. Ales Zamuda. Both in the promotion of the event and the organization, the assistant Jani Dugonik helped, who also heads the IEEE Student branch of the University of Maribor. The event was sponsored by IEEE Slovenia and IEEE CIS Slovenia, the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Informatics.

More about this event at UM FERI is written in the report for IEEE (, and the list of competition results is available on the website of the competition ( ieeextreme-17-0-ranking/).



Publish date: 2023/09/03 | Expire date: 2023/09/12

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Prof. Dr. Ralf Laemmel from the University of Koblenz, Germany, will give an invited lecture entitled "The Paradigm Shift in SE & PL Research & Teaching due to LLMs" on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 11 a.m. in the Beta lecture hall. More information at the link below. You are welcome!

Title: The Paradigm Shift in SE & PL Research & Teaching due to LLMs,

Abstract: AI has slowly (?) made it into the reality of software engineering (SE) and programming language (PL) research and teaching over the last 10-20 years. For example, in research, think of grammar inference and pretty-printing models in PL; think of bug-prediction models and search-based software re-engineering in SE. However, the capabilities of (contemporary) large language models (LLMs) in terms of understanding (?) of software languages and related tasks of evaluation, translation, summarization, etc. may be interpreted as reaching a new level of AI-related qualities in SE and PL research and teaching -- to the extent of challenging the status quo. In this meeting, let’s put on the SE/PL hat and discuss a few related questions such as these: i) How can stereotypical SE/PL "tasks" be differently approached in the view of contemporary LLMs and other AIs? ii) How do SE/PL courses need to be adjusted to appropriately develop student skills in the view of contemporary LLMs and other AIs? iii) How does SE/PL research need to be adjusted in the view of contemporary LLMs and other AIs? iv) How do SE/PL symbolic computation approaches of parsing, type checking, refactoring, etc. need to be reevaluated in the view of impressive (?) and contemporary LLM/AI capabilities -- does ML make symbolic computations redundant (to what extent)? v) How to usefully inject more classic SE/PL strongholds into LLM architectures so that we get a win-win (rather than hallucinating AIs and the lack of using strong symbolic computation capabilities)? vi) How to — in terms of (AI) ethics and policy —  redefine priorities or the value system in SE/PL research and teaching so that we — as a community — can make a useful contribution to a stable society in the near future?

The speaker: Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel, University of Koblenz, Germany
Joint work: Susanne Göbel, University of Koblenz, Germany

About the speaker: Ralf Lämmel held positions at University of Rostock, CWI & VU Amsterdam, Microsoft USA, University of Koblenz, Facebook London  as well as various appointments during sabbaticals. He is a W3 professor in CS and dean of the CS faculty at the youngest university of Germany — University of Koblenz. He is professor in software languages and his research and teaching interests relate to the intersection of the areas of software engineering and programming languages with particular interest in executable language definitions, software analysis and transformation, as well as AI applications in these areas. He is the award-winning author of the "Software Languages Book". He is a co-founder of the SLE conference and the GTTSE summer school series.


3rd ENAI Summer School on Academic Integrity

Publish date: 2023/08/28 | Expire date: 2023/12/31

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The 3rd Summer School on Academic Integrity was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Informatics at the University of Maribor in Slovenia from the 21st to the 25th of August in the Erasmus+ project Facing Academic Integrity Threats (FAITH ) framework. For more information on the Summer School, please visit . This website will also be used for posting presentations and videos of lectures and workshops. The main topics covered were research integrity, data management, academic and research integrity breaches, plagiarism, contract cheating, academic writing, ethical publishing and dissemination, academic integrity policies, and academic integrity in using artificial intelligence tools.

On Monday, 21st August, the Summer School focused on using AI tools in relation to academic integrity. On Tuesday, 22nd August, topics related to plagiarism, contract cheating (writing of assignments for students or writing of papers by researchers by third parties), and a portal for victims of academic integrity violations were presented. On Wednesday, 23rd August, the lecturers presented how to implement an appropriate academic and research integrity policy. On Thursday, 24th August, the Summer School participants learned about ethical publication and dissemination of research results and academic writing that aligns with the principles of academic integrity. On Friday, 25th August, they learned how to answer research ethics and data management questions. On Wednesday, 23rd August, the lecturers and students visited the Institute of Information Science. The focus of their visit was on the presentation of the Vega supercomputer, the largest supercomputer in Slovenia.

The summer school was attended by 18 Czech Republic, Georgia, Turkey, and Slovenia students. The Summer School was lectured by 12 lecturers from the UK, the Czech Republic, Germany, Turkey, and Slovenia. Two members of the FAITH project from Portugal also active participate in the Summer School. There were also 83 registered virtual participants (41 from Slovenia, nine from Ukraine, eight from Georgia, six from Kazakhstan, six from Oman, three from Latvia, three from Canada, two from Romania, one from Angola, one from Egypt, one from Ireland, one from India, and one from the UK) who listened to lectures and workshops via videoconference.

3rd ENAI Summer School of Academic Integrity

Publish date: 2023/08/16 | Expire date: 2023/08/26

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The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Informatics is organizing a 3rd ENAI Summer School of Academic Integrity from the 21st to the 25th of August. The main topics will be academic integrity in usage of artificial intelligence, plagiarism, contract cheating, academic writing, ethical publication and dissemination of research results, data management, breaches of academic and research integrity, and academic integrity policies. The lectures will be delivered in English. The schedule of lectures and workshops is available at

Anyone interested in participating in the Summer School can apply via the online form. After successful registration, you will receive a web link to join the videoconference one day before the event.

Student Computing Research Symposium - SCORES 2023

Publish date: 2023/08/01 | Expire date: 2023/10/05

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Student Computing Research Symposium (SCORES) is an annual research conference jointly organized by University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana and University of Maribor. Its goal is to encourage students to present and publish their research work in the domain of computer science and to facilitate networking and collaboration.

There will be no registration fee, however we ask participants to register at earliest convenience.
Due to several requests the submission deadline is extended to August 31st, 2023 – see all important dates below:

Submission: August 31st, 2023
Notification: September 22nd, 2023
Registration: September 10th, 2023
Conference: October 5th, 2023
Venue: UP FAMNIT, Koper, Slovenia

More infromation: